Oh boy, you think you’re tired now. Wait until after your little bundle of joy arrives! Now is the time to get as much rest and glorious sleep as possible. The question is how to do it. Let’s look at 6 ways to cope with pregnancy fatigue.
First And Third Trimesters 
Your first and third trimesters will be the hardest for you and will sap all your energy. You already know that one of the very first signs you were pregnant was overwhelming fatigue. This will continue through the first trimester, ease up during the second, and then make a triumphant return in your third.
So now is the time to find ways to cope with pregnancy fatigue.
Lions And Tigers And Peeing All The Time
Your pesky pregnancy hormones are affecting everything in your life from your mood, metabolism, your brain, and your sleep. They can lower your blood pressure and your blood sugar which not only saps your energy, but can lead to gestational diabetes.
You may have digestion issues, frequent urination, back pain, and of course, morning sickness.
There are a number of ways to fight off the daily exhaustion and become a pregnant lady warrior.
Naps Are OK
No guilt; you have our permission. Afternoon naps are beneficial for pregnant lady warriors. A 15 to 20 minute nap is ideal.
If you are still working and your company frowns upon napping, just find a place where you can put your feet up during your lunch or afternoon break.
Sleeping at night will become more difficult with the baby weight, getting up to pee several times, and normal aches and pains. A nap can help make up for that missed sleep time.
Exercise Is More Than OK
Exercise is recommended to not only keep you in shape, but regular exercise will ease back pain, help with constipation, help you maintain a healthy weight, and even support a good night’s sleep.
Eat Healthy
In fact, eat several smaller meals during the day. Get nutrients from lean protein, fruits, and veggies. This will keep your blood sugar in check.
Stay away from caffeine after mid-day, and drink lots of water. Being dehydrated can sap your energy.
Change The Way You Sleep
Sleeping on your left side will take pressure off the blood vessels that feed your growing baby, and it will be more comfortable for you.
Relax And Ask For Help
Even a pregnant lady warrior needs help sometimes. Asking for help is brave. Find a friend who will help you with errands or cleaning the house. Your partner should be part of this plan as well. This will make them feel more a part of this important time in your lives.
Find time for yourself which will be in short supply later on. Relax in a tub, your favorite chair, in the sun, or just spend time alone.
Contact Associates in Womens Health at (402) 697-7200 if you are experiencing persistent fatigue or if it doesn’t ease up during the second trimester. This can be due to anemia or thyroid problems.