What's New at Associates in Womens Health, LLC

Can You Have a Baby With Endometriosis?

If you have heard that having endometriosis makes it difficult to conceive and give birth, it is definitely true. Yes, it is difficult, but not impossible. Let’s learn more. Can you have a baby with endometriosis?

What Are Safe Medications During Pregnancy?

Would you be surprised to know you should ask your obstetrician or your pharmacist whether to continue with a particular prescription drug once you know you are pregnant? First time mothers can be astonished this is the case. In fact, there are some over-the-counter medications pregnant women should avoid while pregnant. Let’s discover the safe

Postpartum Rage Is More Common Than You Think

The nine months of waiting are finally over. The baby showers are behind you, mother and mother-law have gone home, visitors have left, and you are finally alone with your little bundle of joy. Of course you have heard of the baby blues and how those raging hormones can affect a new mom, but you

How Much Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Is Normal?

Up to 25% of pregnant women have some bleeding or spotting especially in the first trimester. Bleeding in early pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean there is an issue, but it can indicate a miscarriage or some other complication. It certainly can be worrisome. How much bleeding in early pregnancy is normal?

Your OBGYN Can Help Protect Your Heart

Women who are at child bearing age depend a lot on their OBGYN. They see them for almost all their medical issues and rely on their advice and expertise. Now that same gynecologist is helping women stay heart healthy. Your OBGYN can help protect your heart.

8 Signs of Postpartum Depression

You have been dreaming about this time for nine months and maybe even years—the arrival of your long awaited baby. So why aren’t you elated? Why aren’t you thrilled when your little one recognizes you and smiles? Why aren’t you laughing with each little gurgle? You should be feeling all these happy emotions, and yet…

What Are the Reasons for a Hysterectomy?

Each year almost 600K hysterectomies are performed. It is a surgery to remove the uterus. Afterward patients won’t be able to become pregnant, and they will no longer have their period. Depending on the reason for the surgery, your surgeon may also remove the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. That’s a lot of surgeries, so

Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?

One of the most important imaging tools physicians have at their disposal is a mammogram. They have become vitally important because they save lives. They are so important we now can get one on a mobile mammography bus. Important enough that it’s women’s healthcare practically coming to your door, but why are routine mammograms so

How Is Urinary Incontinence Diagnosed And Treated?

The first time it happened you were sure it was just a fluke. When it happened again with a sudden sneeze, you began to worry a bit. Then leakage became more of a regular problem. Now you are wondering, how is urinary incontinence diagnosed and treated?

Should I See a Gynecologist for a UTI?

You know the feeling. It hurts to pee, it’s hard to pee, and putting it mildly, your urine itself smells pretty terrible. Between 50 and 60% of adult women have experienced a UTI in their lifetime, so it’s easy to recognize the early symptoms. Now what, should I see a gynecologist for a UTI?