Author Archive

Is it Okay to Eat Fish While I’m Pregnant?

Confused about whether you’re allowed to eat fish during pregnancy? You’re not alone.
Nutrition becomes even more important when you’re pregnant because everything you eat impacts the baby’s development. The dilemma with seafood is that, even though it contains nutrients essential for developing the fetal brain, it also contains mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, which can be harmful to the fetus when eaten in excess.  » Read more about: Is it Okay to Eat Fish While I’m Pregnant?  »

When Should I Have a Gynecology Exam?

If you’re scheduling your first gynecology visit and are curious what a gynecologist is, you aren’t alone.  » Read more about: When Should I Have a Gynecology Exam?  »

Could Your Pelvic Pain be Endometriosis?

March is Endometriosis Awareness month – a good time to learn more about a disease that affects nearly 176 million women worldwide.  » Read more about: Could Your Pelvic Pain be Endometriosis?  »

What you should know about the Zika Virus

While only about 20% of people with the Zika virus experience symptoms, the greater concern about contracting the virus has been the potential link to birth defects.  » Read more about: What you should know about the Zika Virus  »

Office Closed February 2nd 2016

Associates in Womens Health is closed today, February 2nd 2016 due to inclement weather. Keep updated with any other changes here on our blog!
Our after hours emergency number is (402) 559-3012  » Read more about: Office Closed February 2nd 2016  »

Should I Get a Hysterectomy for Chronic Pelvic Pain?

If you have pelvic pain that occurs for more than two weeks a month and has been there for more than six months, you might be suffering from Chronic Pelvic Pain, or CPP.  » Read more about: Should I Get a Hysterectomy for Chronic Pelvic Pain?  »

Launch of our New Website

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website!  » Read more about: Launch of our New Website  »