
Is My Menstrual Cycle Normal?

We hear this question quite frequently: is my menstrual cycle normal?
Since every single woman is unique, and we love that, it is hard to define “normal.” Most of the time we talk more about what is “average” rather than normal to help women understand if their cycle falls within average parameters.  » Read more about: Is My Menstrual Cycle Normal?  »

11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist

Most young women begin to see a gynecologist in their teens and by the time they are in their 20s or 30s know the routine, know their bodies, and schedule annual visits. There are times, however, when abnormalities present themselves, and you wonder if you should see your doctor in between your normal visit. The answer is usually yes, and in case you’re in doubt, here are 11 signs you need to call your gynecologist.  » Read more about: 11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist  »

Incredible Benefits of Robotic Surgery to Know

Associates in Women’s Health offers several minimally invasive robotic surgery options, but it can be difficult to separate the true difference between all of these highly-technical terms as compared to traditional surgical methods. Read on to discover what makes robotic surgery such an incredible treatment for your medical condition!  » Read more about: Incredible Benefits of Robotic Surgery to Know  »

7 Conditions That Can Cause Sporadic Spotting Between Periods

Noticing a few spots of blood between periods can be worrisome, and although women may see spots in their underwear or on toilet tissue, there are usually benign reasons for these occurrences. Here are seven conditions that can cause sporadic spotting between periods in addition to when you should be concerned enough to seek medical advice.  » Read more about: 7 Conditions That Can Cause Sporadic Spotting Between Periods  »

12 Potential Causes of Uterine Pain

There are a number of reasons pelvic or uterine pain bothers a woman. Among the 12 potential causes of your uterine pain, some are more worrisome than others.  » Read more about: 12 Potential Causes of Uterine Pain  »

Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know

No one enjoys discussing STDs, but if you are an adult having sex, or you are a parent, it would be wise to learn some essential facts about STDs that everyone should know.
STDs are a fact of life and an increasing number of cases are occurring each day in the United States and worldwide. The more you know, the more you can protect yourself and your family.  » Read more about: Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know  »

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2016

While most people are aware that breast cancer is an issue, many still don’t take the necessary steps to detect the disease in its early stages. Every October, doctors, nurses and organizations use this month to raise awareness for the detection of breast cancer.  » Read more about: Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2016  »

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

While ovarian cancer is only the ninth most common cancer in women, it is the leading cause of death for cancers of the female reproductive system.
The ovaries are responsible for releasing eggs during ovulation and producing female hormones. Over time, cancerous cells can develop on ovarian tissue.  » Read more about: Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month  »

When Should I Have a Gynecology Exam?

If you’re scheduling your first gynecology visit and are curious what a gynecologist is, you aren’t alone.  » Read more about: When Should I Have a Gynecology Exam?  »

Could Your Pelvic Pain be Endometriosis?

March is Endometriosis Awareness month – a good time to learn more about a disease that affects nearly 176 million women worldwide.  » Read more about: Could Your Pelvic Pain be Endometriosis?  »