What's New at Associates in Womens Health, LLC

Understanding The Different Types Of Pregnancy Ultrasounds

One of the greatest joys for new parents is being able to see their baby through the miracle of an ultrasound. It was not invented until the late 50s, and today understanding the different types of pregnancy ultrasounds highlights how this technology has improved.

A Guide To Flu Season During Pregnancy

The changes to a pregnant woman’s immune system, heart, or lungs make them more susceptible to severe illness from the flu. This statement should be the first tenet in a guide to flu season during pregnancy, and all pregnant women should get their flu shot as soon as possible. There are even more reasons, such

5 Reasons To Schedule A Preconception Visit

Before you get that telltale “glow,” you have to conceive. Before you conceive, you have some planning to do, and one of those planning steps is to schedule a preconception appointment with Associates in Womens Health. You may wonder why, so here are 5 reasons to schedule a preconception visit even if it’s not your

What Is Pregnancy Anxiety and How Can You Cope With It?

Even the most confident woman can suddenly panic when told she is pregnant. Whether it was a planned event or a surprise, from this moment unknown insecurities seem to take over, and you are suddenly afraid like never before. What is pregnancy anxiety and how can you cope with it?

4 Prenatal Vitamins You Need and How to Take Them

Whether you are planning to become pregnant or gifted with a surprise, taking prenatal vitamins will only benefit you and your baby. Associates In Women’s Health suggests these 4 prenatal vitamins you need in order to prepare your body for a healthy baby.

5 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling

If you have already had one child, then you know the drill. Pregnancy puffiness and swelling are all part of the deal that comes with bringing new life into the world. With all the joys of waiting for your baby to arrive, including the so-called glow, you also experience the annoying puffiness and swelling.

What’s the Connection Between Allergies and Pregnancy?

You’re already dealing with aches, pains, and (most likely) what feels like world’s smallest bladder. Now add in sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose and you’ve got a perfect pregnancy! …or maybe you sense the sarcasm there. But, is there an actual connection between your pregnancy and allergies?

Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

Once they are discovered, you can expect to see the doctor more often because there may be some fibroid factors that increase your risk of complications during pregnancy. What Are the Risks? Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop inside of the uterus, outside of the uterus, or within the uterine wall itself. They can be

13 Super Foods for Expectant Mothers

These days we hear about super foods for this and super foods for that. There is one group of super foods you shouldn’t ignore though, and those are designated for expectant moms.