
Preventing Breast Cancer in Your Everyday Life

Do you wake up every morning thinking about preventing breast cancer in your everyday life? We seriously doubt it, but if you are someone with a higher risk for breast cancer due to your family or your age, maybe you should consider paying more attention to preventative strategies. There are some simple and specific changes you can make to help lower your risk for breast cancer.

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Your Guide for Reducing Your Risk for Birth Defects

Birth defects are more common than you may think. In fact, about 1 in 33 babies born in the US has a birth defect, according to the CDC.

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7 Conditions That Can Cause Sporadic Spotting Between Periods

Category: Gynecology

Noticing a few spots of blood between periods can be worrisome, and although women may see spots in their underwear or on toilet tissue, there are usually benign reasons for these occurrences. Here are seven conditions that can cause sporadic spotting between periods in addition to when you should be concerned enough to seek medical advice.

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What’s the Connection Between Allergies and Pregnancy?

You’re already dealing with aches, pains, and (most likely) what feels like world’s smallest bladder. Now add in sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose and you’ve got a perfect pregnancy!

…or maybe you sense the sarcasm there. But, is there an actual connection between your pregnancy and allergies?

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Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

Category: Fibroids, Pregnancy

Once they are discovered, you can expect to see the doctor more often because there may be some fibroid factors that increase your risk of complications during pregnancy.

What Are the Risks?

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop inside of the uterus, outside of the uterus, or within the uterine wall itself. They can be very tiny or as large as a grapefruit, so once your gynecologist determines the size(s) and location of the fibroid(s), they can give you an idea of any particular risks associated with them.  If a fibroid is larger than 5 centimeters there can be additional abdominal pain during pregnancy and an increased urge to urinate more frequently.

Most women with fibroids will experience little to no effect during their pregnancy.  However, up to one-third of women with fibroids may experience some increased risks and complications during their pregnancy and delivery.

Painful pregnant woman calling doctor sitting on a couch at home

Fetal Growth Restriction or Retardation

Intrauterine growth restriction or IUGR refers to a fetus that does not develop at the normal rate. The fetus is smaller than normal compared with other fetuses of the same gestational age. This term is also used when a child is born less than 5 pounds 8 ounces.

Preterm Delivery

One particular fibroid factor relates to pain from the fibroids during pregnancy. This pain can cause uterine contractions and lead to early delivery. Preterm means being born prior to week thirty-seven, and overall one in eight women deliver preterm.

Placenta Abruption

In this case the placenta breaks away from the uterine wall too early due to a blockage by a fibroid. Since the placenta is what nourishes the fetus, the baby may not get sufficient nutrients or oxygen as a result of an abruption.

Cesarean Delivery

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, women with fibroids are 6 times more likely to have a C-section.

Breech Position Birth

If the uterus is an abnormal shape due to a fibroid(s), it can prevent the baby from getting into the correct position for birth with the head facing down. In some cases there is less amniotic fluid for the baby to move into position for a normal birth.

It is considered to be a breech birth if the baby’s feet are pointed down. Although many breech babies are born perfectly healthy, this positioning does put your child at a higher risk for birth defects and complications.


A women with fibroids has double the chance of experiencing a miscarriage.

Best Way Forward

Should you be worried if you are pregnant and have fibroids? Clearly there are some increased risk factors from having fibroids during pregnancy, but it does not guarantee a woman will have complications. Talk to Associates in Women’s Health about your personal risks and how you can minimize them, if possible.

Speak with Associates in Women’s Health if you are considering getting pregnant and know you have fibroids. To make an appointment, please contact our office.


Why Regular Pap Smears Are so Important to Your Health

Pap smears, also known as Pap tests, help to identify suspicious cells in your cervix that could signal a precancerous condition.

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12 Potential Causes of Uterine Pain

Category: Gynecology

There are a number of reasons pelvic or uterine pain bothers a woman. Among the 12 potential causes of your uterine pain, some are more worrisome than others.

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Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know

Category: Gynecology

No one enjoys discussing STDs, but if you are an adult having sex, or you are a parent, it would be wise to learn some essential facts about STDs that everyone should know.

STDs are a fact of life and an increasing number of cases are occurring each day in the United States and worldwide. The more you know, the more you can protect yourself and your family. Read the rest of this entry »

13 Super Foods for Expectant Mothers

Category: News, Pregnancy

These days we hear about super foods for this and super foods for that. There is one group of super foods you shouldn’t ignore though, and those are designated for expectant moms.

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3 Types of Cervical Cancer and What You Should Know About Them

Cervical cancer was once one of the most common cancers affecting women. In past years, medical researchers have reported a significant decrease in incidences of cervical cancer, which has been attributed to increase in regular Pap tests being performed. Pap tests are a crucial part of preventing cervical cancer since they can detect precancerous lesions and abnormal cell growth before cancer develops.

Most cervical cancer cases are related to the human papillomavirus (HPV). This sexually transmitted infection can influence the development of cervical cancer as it aids in the abnormal growth of cervical cells.

These cells do not always develop in the same way, which is why there are 3 discernible types of cervical cancer.

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