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The Importance Of A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

The importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy cannot be overstated. Studies show that there are less complications when moms-to-be eat a healthy diet before and during pregnancy. With that in mind, let’s look at what is considered a healthy diet and how it can help.  » Read more about: The Importance Of A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy  »

What To Expect If You Have An Abnormal Pap Smear

The first thing you should know if you have an abnormal Pap smear is not to panic. There are many possible causes for an abnormal result, and most of them are not something to get concerned about immediately. If it does happen, here is what to expect if you have an abnormal Pap smear.  » Read more about: What To Expect If You Have An Abnormal Pap Smear  »

What To Do After You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test

Surprise, you’re pregnant! If this truly is a surprise, stay calm, talk with your partner and consider all your options. The truth is no one can tell you exactly what to do after you get a positive pregnancy test. You might be thrilled to begin or increase your family, be upset because it’s a surprise and it’s not part of your plans, or you may have emotions somewhere in between. However you react, here are some guidelines.  » Read more about: What To Do After You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test  »

Choosing A Contraceptive Method That’s Right For You

85% of women who have unprotected sex, even occasionally, get pregnant within a year. Those odds are not in your favor if you’re not ready to have a child. Choosing a contraceptive method that’s right for you can involve some due diligence and clear thinking.  » Read more about: Choosing A Contraceptive Method That’s Right For You  »

8 Potential Risk Factors Or Signs Of Infertility

Even if you are not trying to get pregnant right now, it is always worthwhile to know if you have any risk factors that will affect your future ability to have children. Both men and women can have them, so let’s look at 8 potential risk factors or signs of infertility.  » Read more about: 8 Potential Risk Factors Or Signs Of Infertility  »

6 Signs You May Have Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a confusing condition with various symptoms, no symptoms, or severe symptoms. It’s not always easy to diagnose, leaving many women to suffer with pelvic pain and other unpleasant symptoms for years. Here are six signs you may have endometriosis.  » Read more about: 6 Signs You May Have Endometriosis  »

Understanding The Different Types Of Pregnancy Ultrasounds

One of the greatest joys for new parents is being able to see their baby through the miracle of an ultrasound. It was not invented until the late 50s, and today understanding the different types of pregnancy ultrasounds highlights how this technology has improved.  » Read more about: Understanding The Different Types Of Pregnancy Ultrasounds  »

Sensitive Topics Worth Mentioning To Your OBGYN

Most of us are wary of looking stupid or asking stupid questions, but at your OBGYN, there is no such thing as a “stupid” question or subject. Trust us, we have heard it all. So squelch that feeling, and ask us whatever you want. That’s why we’re here. Here are just some sensitive topics worth mentioning to your OBGYN.  » Read more about: Sensitive Topics Worth Mentioning To Your OBGYN  »

A Guide To Flu Season During Pregnancy

The changes to a pregnant woman’s immune system, heart, or lungs make them more susceptible to severe illness from the flu. This statement should be the first tenet in a guide to flu season during pregnancy, and all pregnant women should get their flu shot as soon as possible. There are even more reasons, such as the following.  » Read more about: A Guide To Flu Season During Pregnancy  »

Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.  » Read more about: Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore  »