What's New at Associates in Womens Health, LLC

Twin Pregnancy and Beyond: A Guide for New Parents

Before the days of ultrasound, parents of twins had no idea they were about to have “double the fun.” Today parents can find out they are going to be parents of multiples well ahead of birth. This affords them time to prepare both physically and mentally. It’s a big challenge and requires some organization and

Can You Have a Baby With Endometriosis?

If you have heard that having endometriosis makes it difficult to conceive and give birth, it is definitely true. Yes, it is difficult, but not impossible. Let’s learn more. Can you have a baby with endometriosis?

What Are Safe Medications During Pregnancy?

Would you be surprised to know you should ask your obstetrician or your pharmacist whether to continue with a particular prescription drug once you know you are pregnant? First time mothers can be astonished this is the case. In fact, there are some over-the-counter medications pregnant women should avoid while pregnant. Let’s discover the safe

Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

Even if you have never exercised regularly before getting pregnant, it is safe to do so now as long as you follow the guidelines set by Associates in Womens Health. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days. Exercising safely during pregnancy keeps you healthy and actually

6 Ways To Cope With Pregnancy Fatigue

Oh boy, you think you’re tired now. Wait until after your little bundle of joy arrives! Now is the time to get as much rest and glorious sleep as possible. The question is how to do it. Let’s look at 6 ways to cope with pregnancy fatigue.

7 Tips For A Safe And Healthy Winter Pregnancy

You might think being pregnant in the summer is difficult to manage, however, cold winter weather can be more taxing on a mom-to-be. As the weather gets downright frigid in Omaha, NE, a pregnant woman should consider these 7 tips for a safe and healthy winter pregnancy.

10 Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Most people will tell you the first early pregnancy symptom is missing a period. That is absolutely true, but there are dozens more to watch out for. Let’s take a quick look at 10 early pregnancy symptoms.

7 Pregnancy Myths, Debunked

There have always been old wives tales about pregnancy and most likely you have heard a few. Carrying your baby high means you’re having a girl. Carrying low, obviously it must be a boy. Let’s not forget having heartburn, which means your baby will have lots of hair. These silly predictions are all in good

The Importance Of A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

The importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy cannot be overstated. Studies show that there are less complications when moms-to-be eat a healthy diet before and during pregnancy. With that in mind, let’s look at what is considered a healthy diet and how it can help.

What To Do After You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test

Surprise, you’re pregnant! If this truly is a surprise, stay calm, talk with your partner and consider all your options. The truth is no one can tell you exactly what to do after you get a positive pregnancy test. You might be thrilled to begin or increase your family, be upset because it’s a surprise